I Haven't Been This Happy/Mad Since I Got That Toothy Blowjob

seen on movieweb.com
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Voltron: Defender of the Universe is coming to the big screen.
Veteran producer Mark Gordon has teamed with music producer Pharrell Williams, World Events Prods. and producers Mark Costa and Ford Oelman to make a big-budget feature of the 1980s giant robot kids TV series and toy sensation.
The World Events Voltron animated TV series debuted in 1984, about at the same time as Hasbro's Transformers toy line, igniting a morphing robot phenomenon. The story being developed will be based on the 1980s series about five maverick explorer-pilots who must travel to the planet Arus to learn how to operate Voltron, a giant mechanical warrior formed by five smaller robots.
Thankfully it looks like they are going with the lion version and not the later version made up of like 15 land, air, and sea bots. It's weird, because while this is still raping my childhood, it kinda feels good.
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