Holy Fucking Christ Batman!
Batman Begins is the best comic book movie I have I ever seen. Period. And I have seen a LOT of comic book movies. Ones your ass never knew got made. Batman Begins gets everything right. Casting. Story. Acting. Set Design. EVERYTHING. I'm kinda pissed at myself that I saw it for free. Granted it makes up for the 9 bucks I spent on Dodgeball, but still, I'm not a great man. And I was handed a great gift. I can't believe how many times I made happy noises. I can't even sleep. How do you make a genre pic like this so God damn perfect? How do you watch a flick like this and go, yeah I'm totally buying everything? EVERYTHING!
They made THIS make perfect sense!

This film showed how you can fill the screen in a comic adaptation with talented actors, and by letting them act and not chew scenery, you can make an ensemble film in which everyone is still quite memorable. Unreal.
Look, I don't get paid shit if you go or not. But man, see this movie. Unless you are in anyway associated with the upcoming Fantastic Four flick, because you will kill yourself.
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