CD Pick Of The Week

Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: From A Basement On The Hill
Label: Epitaph
A few days off of the anniversary of his passing comes the final recording of a deeply troubled and extremely talented man. There has been much debate if the posthumous polishing of some of these tracks are what the artist intended or wanted. But issues like that tend to pop up when you die before your album is completed. And based on how solid, yet so slightly “un-Elliott,” these songs are, my guess is this debate will become a classic indie rock discussion to be heard from dorm room to coffeehouse for decades to come. As often is the case, many of the lyrics heard here seem to hint at the Elliott’s impending death, much in the same way listening to Nirvana or Tupac can. But let’s be honest, any Elliott Smith song, on any album, sounds a little grim. But yet it’s impossible to listen to “A Fond Farewell” the first time through and not get the chills.
Special note to the people responsible for the least essential release of the week – William Hung's Hung For The Holidays: Thank you. You are half of the reason I started blogging to begin with. What a god damn waste of precious lasers and plastic. Just look at this thing!

Hmmm. Maybe I do want it.
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