Comic Book Pick Of The Week

Marvel Knights 2099 Event
Written by: Robert Kirkman
Art by: Various
Format: 5 One-Shots
Price: $2.99 each
Synopsis: On the 5th anniversary of the Marvel Knights imprint, Robert Kirkman takes a look at future versions of the lines’ four original titles plus an additional, original character.
You gotta love fifth week events. Comic companies abhor a vacuum, and thus find ways to fill those random extra Wednesdays that pop up now and then. Welcome to Marvel Knights 2099.
To be honest I’m mostly interested in the Daredevil and Punisher books. But I’ll pick up the other three (Black Panther, Inhumans and Mutant) simply based on the strength of Kirkman’s writing. If you’ve read Invincible or The Walking Dead, you know how good he is at mixing action and dialogue. And his short stint on Captain America has shown how well he understands the history of the Marvel U. So I expect these to be good reads. Much better than the similar “Marvels Comics” event awhile back which featured comics from within the world of the awesome Marvels mini-series.
Note: These stories have very little, if any connection to the old 2099 universe. There might be a wink or nod here or there, but otherwise seem to be completely different continuity.
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