CD Pick Of The Week

Artist: Social Distortion
Album: Sex, Love and Rock 'N' Roll
Label: Time Bomb
Sure their last album White Light, White Heat, White Trash was totally weak. But eight years later, Mike Ness is back to the basics. And it sounds good. This is Social D’s best album since every album they did prior to that aberration mentioned in my first sentence. They’re even back on Time Bomb, their original imprint. Buy it and put it on your shelf next to Mommy's Little Monster, Prison Bound, Social Distortion, and Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell. And if you don’t own those, go buy them. And if you really want White Light… you can have mine.
Ooh, ooh, and get your hands on Dead Prez' RBG (Revolutionary But Gangsta) and Talib Kweli's Beautiful Struggle.
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