Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns Is Really Fucking Good

I will not discuss this film until after the holiday weekend. Just go fucking see it. Amazing. This is Superman III. Superman III and IV are some Elseworlds bullshit. This is now Superman III and it is really, really good. Trust me. Who told you Sin City and Batman Begins were awesome and The Fantastic Four was a bunch of someone else's shit in your mouth and hair? This guy!


At Thu Jun 29, 01:42:00 PM PDT, Blogger Curt said...

In its' defense, when watched in the comfot of your own home, with no expectations, FF isn't so bad after all.

I've never been a huge fan of Supes, but your assesment seems to be shared by a large number of rational people. I must seriously consider taking in a showing.

At Thu Jun 29, 02:11:00 PM PDT, Blogger Shawn said...

Perhaps for you my friend. But for me, it really, really is. I could be in the comfort of my own home, eating curly fries and getting some head, and the movie would still leave me joyless.

Do it. And if you want to really geek out, Watch I & II in the morning and then catch a matinee of Returns.

You know that's the bomb.

PS - Larry from the Masquers found me on MySpace. He is your BOY!

At Fri Jun 30, 10:03:00 AM PDT, Blogger Curt said...

Ask him if he's seen Mighty Ducks III.

Some people call it MD3.
It's got horses in it.


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